Common Causes of Power Outages

Electricity pylons and towers silhouetted against a colorful sunset sky.There is never a good time for the power to go out, but if it happens on a sunny day, you might be left wondering why. Here are the most common causes of a power outage.

  • Weather: High winds, snow, and ice can cause tree limbs to fall on power lines. Other weather effects, like wildfires and lightning strikes, can cause major damage to equipment.
  • Critters: Squirrels, birds, snakes, and other animals can inadvertently contact power lines, causing short circuits and disruptions to electrical supply.
  • Accidents: Vehicles can crash into utility poles, bringing down power lines. Construction and excavation work can also result in disruptions to underground lines.
  • Scheduled Maintenance: Occasionally, we plan outages to perform upgrades or repairs to parts of the local grid.